Friday, October 30, 2009

Remember me?

Why, hello there! It has only been a year since I last posted so I don't expect anyone to be actually reading this but still.... hello!

Wow, I just re-read my posts and can't believe how fast time flew by. Let's see.. since that last post I've had a baby!! Yup-a 3 month old chubby little boy so full of sweetness that I just want to run to the daycare now to give him a kiss. Oy.

I have been up-to-date on all my favorite food blogs and would occasiionally (o.k.-rarely) think about updating mine. But with so many wonderful food blogs out there I keep wondering if there is any point! I mean, it's not as if I am some wonderful cook whipping up fantabulous meals left and right. And my writing skills are not so exquisite that people will flock here just to read about my culinary escapades. So, what should I do??

Hmm, I guess I'll be back soon with an answer!

Until then, have a Happy Halloween.