Monday, November 24, 2008


Happy Monday morning y'all :)
I still can't say y'all without smirking (I grew up in Chicaaaago).

Remember my last post about waking up nice and late on Saturday (after getting up early, feeding my kiddies, and turning on the cartoons of course)? Well, the part about getting up early was right but I was dead wrong about going back to bed.

My older daughter ran into the bathroom in our room at 6 am on Saturday and proceeded to alternate between vomitting and ummm, the other end. I know, you really don't want to know this but since I am so sure no one is reading my blog at this point, I can write whatever I want, right?

Anyways, after an hour of that, she brushed her teeth and I put her back in bed. An hour later, my husband and younger daughter were doing the same thing. Oyy!

I had no clue what was going on but I had left work early Friday feeling sick. Crazy me, but I think I might have actually poisoned my entire family.

How does one manage that? Easy, make some spanish rice and be use to chicken broth from a can. Mind you, all-natural chicken broth with no MSG, etc. etc. So much for buying healthy food. I should have just bought the one loaded with all the good stuff. Anyways, I have no clue why the effect was delayed for everyone else but me. I shudder just thinking at how much worse it could have been. Ugh!

O.K. onto better things.

Have you guys ever seen that ad in the airline magazines for a Brazilian restaurant where they showcase the different types of meat on a skewer? Well, I have seen that plenty of times and always wanted to try it out. Guess what? We went Saturday evening.

You might be thinking, "How did they go out to eat meat when they were all sick less than 12 hours earlier?" We were all starving because I forced everyone to eat fruit for lunch and nothing else. I told them that we were only going to eat fresh fruit-sort of as a detoxifying job- for lunch. Boy, we sure were ready to eat anything by the time we got to the restaurant.

It was quite an experience. The salad bar was awesome! Lots and lots of different type of veggies and delectable cheeses! MMMM good. I could have filled up just at the salad bar. Once you finished your salad, you could turn over your little card to green to indicate that you were ready for the meat and then the waiters would come over with different cuts and slice a piece off for you. My favorite was the ribs. They were sooo moist and tasty! My mouth is watering just thinking of it. The best part was that the restuarant loked upscale but was very family-friendly. White tablecloth, nice wine list, etc. I liked also that there was a good mix of people.

The only down part was that the next day I was still stuffed until dinner time. Guess that's not really a bad thing.

Anyways, I suppose I should stop writing this novel here, right?

Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend!

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